These Regulations refer to the use of the "Garage Europa" parking garage owned and managed by Residence Europa Ltd. Parking and stopping in the parking areas delimited by barriers are regulated by the rules and contractual conditions that follow in compliance with article 1341 of the Italian Civil Code; public use of the car park is pursuant to art. 1336 of the Italian Civil Code.
By taking a parking ticket or when buying a season permit, customers enter into a contract concerning parking inside the facility owned by Residence Europa Ltd by renting a space in the unattended parking area.
Storage and custody of the vehicle and any belongings left in it are NOT covered by this contract.
 If a customer chooses not to accept the Regulation conditions, they are allowed to leave the car park without paying, provided this is done without delay and in any case within a tolerance limit of 15 minutes. Please note that in the event of multiple entries during the same day, at the third entry the free time allowance of 15 minutes referred to in this article is no longer applicable. At the third entry there will be an additional fee, in addition to the stop made, equal to double the hourly rate foreseen for the stop.
Customers access the car park from the entrance gate that leads to the parking areas consisting of ramps and parking areas blocked by barriers, then by withdrawing a ticket from the dispenser or by holding your season permit in front of the sensors to be approved. If a ticket fails to appear or if the machine does not recognize your permit, the customer is required to notify the parking attendants by pressing the appropriate call button, ABSOLUTELY without dismounting from the vehicle.

In the car park, customers must follow the rules for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. The customer is required to obey all signs carefully, respect all legal provisions and ENAC ordinances, as well as to drive attentively with caution and diligence. Inside the car park, vehicle speed is strictly limited to a "walking pace".
It is absolutely forbidden:
1) to smoke or use open fire or flames;
2) to load or unload objects of any kind, especially if flammable, explosive, etc…;
3) to refuel, carry out repairs, change the oil, wash the vehicle and, in general, carry out any maintenance on the vehicle at all;
4) to stop for a long time with the engine running or to sound the horn;
5) to park vehicles with leaks from the petrol tank or that have other defects likely to damage the parking lot;
6) to park vehicles without license plates or authorized replacement plates without specific authorization;
7) to access the garage and park vehicles equipped with gas propulsion systems (G.P.L.- liquid propane);
8) to park the vehicle in transit areas and in front of emergency exits;
9) to enter or exit the car park with vehicles that exceed the maximum height indicated at the entrances.
Customers must comply with the instructions and requests of the Residence Europa Ltd staff, or anyone appointed by them, in order to park the vehicle as promptly as possible.

Parking spaces must be used exclusively to park a single motorized vehicle. In the customer parks straddling a line thereby occupying two spaces, they will be charged a double fee.
Customers must park their vehicle inside the appropriately marked spaces in accordance with the horizontal and vertical signs of the parking lot and in any case according to the instructions of the parking management staff. The vehicle must be parked with the doors locked, the engine off and the parking brake applied. Vehicles parked irregularly, in a position that hinders internal circulation of the car park, or simply outside the marked spaces, will be removed and the towing fee will be charged to the owner of the removed vehicle.
Any customer interested in the facilitated parking (parking reserved for the disabled), pursuant to art. 11 Decree of 24.07.1996 n. 503, is required to register at the entrance before parking the vehicle by contacting the car park staff in order to check availability of reserved spaces. In the event that the places reserved, pursuant to art. 11 Decree of 24.07.1995 n. 503, are already occupied, pursuant to Article 188 paragraph 3-bis of the Highway Code, vehicles serving people with disabilities and holders of the special parking permit, pursuant to Article 381, paragraph 2 of the regulation, are allowed to park for free in the stopping areas or in spaces for paid parking. Parking in spaces reserved for the handicapped without displaying the aforementioned special parking permit, or the use of the same permit by non-eligible persons, may be sanctioned by the relevant authorities.

Parking rates are contained in "Annex A" to this Regulation document and are displayed at the entrance and at the cash desks. Customers must pay the hourly or daily rates at the manned cash desks or at automatic machines before collecting their vehicle and have no more than 15 minutes after paying to exit the car park. In the period between 01 July and 30 September of each year, the rate is calculated only on a daily basis. In the period between 01 October and 30 June of each year, the rate is also calculated on an hourly basis up to a maximum rate equal to the daily rate in effect at the time of parking.

In the case of a lost ticket, the customer will be charged € 165.00. In any case, however, if possible both parties can prove that the parking period involves a payment of a higher or lower amount. By virtue of this assessment, an increase or reduction of the amount due may therefore be applied. It is understood that in any case the amount due in case of loss of the ticket cannot be less than € 17.00.

Long term parking permits can be purchased at the manned cash desk and the customer will be issued a special card for entering and leaving the car park.
Available permits are:
- monthly;
- reduced monthly fee (access and parking from Monday to Friday);
- monthly night (access and parking from 7pm to 7am each day).
Permits can be purchased by the tenth day of each month and are renewed automatically for an equal period, unless canceled. Cancellation can be done at the manned cash desks, by certified email (to [email protected]) or by registered letter with return receipt to be sent to:
Residence Europa SRL    Via Sant’Apollonia 19,        37044 - Cologna Veneta (VR).
Payment for the permit period is required in advance at the time of purchase at the manned cash desks or on a monthly basis by the tenth day of each month, subject to specific authorization for the Sepa Direct Debit (SDD) recurring debit from the customer's current bank account.
Residence Europa Ltd offers a 5% discount to the customer who accepts debit card payment. The discount is calculated on the basis of the rates in effect at the time of purchase.
In the event that the debit card payment is not successful, the customer will have two working days to provide an alternative payment method or pay the price of the service. If the customer fails to do this within the period referred to in the preceding paragraph, the parking service will be immediately denied and the customer will be required to pay the fee for the days of parking used but not paid for in addition to a penalty equal to the cost of a one-month permit, according to the rates in effect. If the customer's vehicle is inside the car park, it will be promptly removed and the removal costs will be charged to the person who owns the removed vehicle.

Customers will be notified of any breaches of contract, as stated in Art. 4 and 6, by means of a note put on the windscreen of their vehicle or at the time of payment at the manned cash desk.
Penalties can be paid to the bank account IBAN IT81K0306959413100000002250 in the name of Residence Europa SRL; the penalty number and the car license plate must be stated on the bank transfer.
Payment of penalties after 15 days will result in an additional € 17.00 charge for expenses related to the management of this further delay.
In the event of a breach of contract, Residence Europa SRL will send a first letter of complaint no later than 90 days from the violation. In the event of non-payment, Residence Europa SRL reserves the right to appoint a lawyer who will send, no later than 75 days from the aforementioned deadline, a letter of formal notice and a request for an additional cost of € 50.00 for legal fees. Failure to comply with the aforementioned terms will result in the forfeiture of Residence Europa SRL from the right to collect the contractual penalty and additional sums requested.

Residence Europa SRL, for the sole purpose of meeting the needs of customers, has signed agreements with external and independent companies ("external parties") in order to offer other services ("additional services") to its customers. The additional services include:
• car wash;
 • car valet
 • chauffeur services;
• e-bike rentals;
• charging for electric vehicles.
Customers who use the additional services accept that said additional services are carried out by external parties and that relative rates will be determined by them and fees must be paid directly to those  external businesses.
The list of authorized external parties offering  additional services is displayed at the entrance to the car park and is in any case available on request at the manned cash desk.

Residence Europa Ltd assumes no responsibility for disservices attributable to situations out of their control; their liability includes failure to provide the services defined in the contract as well as for any damages complained of by the customer in the event of non-compliance with the conditions set out in these Regulations.
Residence Europa SRL will not be liable for damages, losses and costs incurred by the customer as a result of the non-execution of the contract for reasons not attributable to them, and the customer is only entitled to a full refund of the price paid and any additional charges incurred.
Residence Europa Ltd cannot be held liable to the customer, except in the case of willful misconduct or gross negligence, for disservices or malfunctions related to the provision of the service beyond its own control or that of its subcontractors other than external parties.
Residence Europa Ltd disclaims any responsibility regarding the prompt, correct and timely execution of the additional services as well as for any damage, loss or costs of any nature arising from the additional services carried out and suffered or complained of by the customer.

Inside the car park there is a CCTV surveillance system installed that is used exclusively for the purposes of safety and protection of the dependents and property of Residence Europa Ltd as well as to verify the timely compliance with these parking regulations. The system covers the various floors of the parking lot at various points and there are screens to view live images at the manned cash desks. The system is active twenty-four hours a day and the videos are kept for seventy-two hours following the recording. The recorded images can only be viewed by the company’s legal representative and their rightly appointed privacy officer.
If there is a violation of these Regulations’ general terms and conditions, such information may be used to apply the contractual penalties provided for by the Regulations to the transgressor. An "Extended information notice relating to the processing of personal data collected through the video surveillance system" constitutes "Annex B" to these Regulations. The General Privacy Notice prepared by Residence Europa Ltd constitutes "Annex C" to these Regulations.